Before I attended my teacher training, I had no idea what mala beads were-- so I thought I would take time to explain since I have made a few posts that include them.
Mala beads are prayer beads, so for all my Catholic friends and family they work similar to a rosary, they help keep track of where you are in saying a mantra. The strands include 108 beads, some including 4 marker beads or others with 2 larger beads all depending on the tradition of the mala i.e. Tibetan, mantra, etc. Many malas use a certain type of stone bead or wood that attaches itself to a meaning, others are blessed by gurus or monks, others are homemade or just bought for being beautiful.
Many Celebreties have been seen where the mala around their neck, others wear them around their left wrist as a bracelet--there are also mala bracelets.
I use my mala
I try to remember to wear mine on a daily basis, even under my t-shirt.
When I arrive super early to a yoga class I will sit and go through a mantra.
When I feel a wave of anxiety or other strong emotion coming on I grab a seat and mantra.
To start meditation on days when I am having a hard time finding my seat.
You can do this anywhere and noone needs to know. I have done it on my poof, at my desk, on the train, and in the studio.
"Om gam Ganapataye namaha "
It is to Ganesha- the remover of obstacles. This mantra is to help ourselves release and move past perceived obstacles form within. It helps to calm the chatter of the mind.
Make your own Mala:
- cord or string for stringing the beads
- a guru bead (etsy), it is a bead with three holes
- colored floss or a tassle
- beads (108) you can find these on etsy, it's the best deal
- they can be wood or stone
- 6mm or 8mm depending on your preference
- a needle for easy threading
- you can use one of those necklace trays but it is not necessary.
I began wanting to knot the cord in between the beads but after one or two knots not landing where I wanted them I scrapped that idea and just beaded.
At the end cut your cord, thread both ends of cord through guru bead and attach / tie the cord to the tassle.
Not feeling all DIY--or are the supplies adding up quickly? There are some stunning amazing malas on Etsy.
Lily Baubles-$30 or under- which is a great deal on a mala.
Buzz Meditations- $60+
My favorite- from Golden Lotus Mala $30-$60. These are beautiful and the shop is great.
Just absolutely love this one- the frosted agate is amazing
Look for Treasures- $52