The bridge above is one of my favorite bridges in the world! It was originally built by Newton-- he built it without any screws, nuts, or bolts. Many years later people wanted to know how he did it, so they took the bridge down hoping to figure it out, but they didn't and they had to rebuild the bridge using screws.
My second favorite bridge is setu bandha sarvangasana and every time I type or say this pose I hear it in an Indian accent thanks to my friends at YTT.
It is one of those amazing poses that offers so many benefits:
- reduces anxiety and helps to calm the mind
- tones thighs
- stretches chest neck and spine
- rejuvenates tired legs
- energizing
- stimulates abdominal organs
- helps relieve womanly physical woes
- helps with depression
- fights headaches
- reduces insomnia
- therapeutic for asthma, high blood pressure, and sinus issues
- helps fight osteoperosis
Getting into and coming out of the pose:
- lie on your back with your arms extended along your side
- bend your knees placing your feet so that your heels graze your finger tips
- walk your shoulder blades towards one another
- pressing into your feet begin to peel your hps and back off the floor
- continue to draw thighs towards one another and keep your knees over your ankles
- you can continue to walk your shoulders in and clasp hands under your sacrum
- keep some space between your chin and chest
- to come out slowly walk your shoulders back out from underneath
- lower your hips down vertebra at a time
- lift one leg at a time, extend the leg parallel to the floor, hold for a few rounds of breath and then switch legs
- place a block between the thighs to make sure your knees are tracking in the right direction or to activate the legs more
- place a block under your sacrum for a supported bridge (LOVE THIS OPTION)
- mild back bends like cobra
- up dog
- gentle reclined twist
- apanasana (legs to chest)
- gentle forward folds like paschimottasana
Picture sources:,
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