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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Friday (Sunday): Five little things I was grateful for this past week

Friday (Sunday): Five little things I was grateful for this past week

This past weekend was busy- and I am thankful for that in and of itself. I was able to hangout with some amazing people, teach a great yoga class full of friends and new students, and celebrate the 30th birthday of one of my dear friends, but I did run out of time to post this--so it is a little late.

1. Fall leaves- although here in Chicago the weather is insanely inconsistent the beautiful fall leaves help to deal with the late 80' weather followed immediately by snow flurries the next week. When the sky is blue and sunny the red, gold, and orange leaves are so beautiful and the gradient of the trees themselves is worth stopping to appreciate.

2. The National Museum of Mexican Art- Chicago has great museums and for an extra credit opportunity our 101 students were able to attend the Día de los Muertos community night at this museum. Fellow graduate students and myself attending taking full advantage of the crafts, photo booth, snacks, and enjoying the colorful artwork of Mexican artists--- not to mention we had an amazing dinner following. How can you go to Pilsen and not get Mexican food. I am so grateful for the culture and museums Chicago has.

3. Hunter Boots- see point 1--rain, cold, snow etc. these things make it easier for me to galavant all over the city and stay dry.

4. Shutter Fly Photo Books- Theses are great gifts and they always are offering coupons. For my friends 30th, her husband created a book that all family and friends could log onto and edit--I dug up some winners of awkward middle school years and really enjoyed going through the old pictures. I think we all enjoyed her gift as much as she did.

5. Alternate Nostril Breathing-- so thankful I have this tool to use. For some reason in my class Wednesday night I just felt a wave of anxiety and a shortness of breath, hoping my classmates wouldn't notice too much ( I mean we were all really watching the Filipino hip hop group getting down outside the windows of our classroom), I subtly started using this breath to calm myself down. After a few rounds I began to feel better.

I am super thankful for my friends that attending my class Saturday morning--hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!!

Friday (Sunday): Five little things I was grateful for this past week by cloch1 featuring fall home decor

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