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Monday, November 25, 2013

Hanumanasana: practice makes progress w1

I am really excited about this challenge, it has been in my head awhile and was contingent on my getting a phone with a camera that worked... So here we go!

When I wanted to get bakasana or sirsasana I was practicing those all the time and I eventually got them- the full splits, Hanumanasana, is something I would really like to improve, it opens the gates to so many other beautiful poses.

It is a full body stretch- chest, shoulders, etc. 

I am going to watch my progress with this pose for the next month- I am sure I will learn more patience. I am not looking for a perfect or full splits on either side but progress!!

I will be using pictosaur to track my progress- it's an awesome app by my cousin that marks progress and changes in photos and helps you like up the shot each time based on your last pic. 

Here are my week one pictures: thanks Lori for being my photographer 

The difference between my two side is apparent! 

I use the block to help support me and to hold the pose a little longer with out over stretching and the. Pulling or tearing that hamstring.

Due to the crazy running challenge I am currently doing I am slightly concerned I may move further from the ground- haha.

These pics are post a bind and unwind class full of arm balance and a chin balance attempt so I was pretty warmed up and a little sweaty! 
I will post a good warm up for this pose later this week- perhaps a mini-video??

Please feel free to join in the challenge and post your progress on the FB page. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday Five: five little things I am grateful for

Academia to Asana

Academia to AsanaAs a graduate student and instructor I am often on campus for long days and then head to the studio either before or after to either take or teach a yoga class. Since I take public transportation, hauling around an extra bag full of clothes to change into-no matter how small they are- is an extra inconvenience.  The outfits above are perfect for days that I am just a Spanish student and then head to or from the studio. The shoes are vegan, the tank top and jacket are from Nordstrom, the tunic and leggings are Beyond Yoga-one of my favorite new brands, and the jewelry is recycled and/or eco-friendly.

Academia to Asana by cloch1 featuring a balcony bra

Univerity to Studio 
 This set I made with working and then heading to the studio, the seafoam tank and two tunics are from Lole's eco-line. The stirup leggings are Beyond Yoga, and the orange tank is from Nordstrom.The tote WANT LES ESSENTIELS DE LA VIE Olive Green Slub O'hare Shopper Tote is a bit pricey for me at around $450, but a girl can dream. The boots are the eco-friendly Coclico

Maestra to the mat

The grey sweaters are great layering pieces that I can wear with Jeans or pants to work and only have to tote around the crops. The V-neck is Alo and the cowl neck is by Unity both at Nordstroms. Likewise, the leggings and three colored tanks are from there are well, the pink and leopard one are zella. The black heart-opener tank is from Beyond Yoga (link above).  The booties can be found at Eco-Conscious website and are also vegan. The duffle bag is recycled and from Etsy, the black sleek bag is Boticca, and the cosmetic bag or wash bag is Ecoalf Californi. The earrings are also from Etsy and the watch is the Sprout cork strap watch from JCPenny.

The best part about a lot of these clothes-besides how cute they are- is that they are from Nordstroms meaning they will go on sale, may be available at The Rack, and they have a great return policy. I have also had amazing customer service with Lole as well. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

5 Stress Reducing Habits: sharing my lesson on taking control of my life and anxiety

Stress!! I use to not think I was stressed, but my body (and my mom) continued to tell me otherwise. My stress manifests itself via canker sores, forehead acne, stomach pains, headaches, and morphs me into a not nice person.

Although the short term effects (listed above) are not pretty, the long term health effects of stress are uglier. The constant release of cortisol, the stress hormone, has long lasting and negative effects on the body. The book, Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life, really helped me to understand hormones, how they work, and the impact they have on our body long term- cancers and attacks amongst other diseases and hormonal imbalance as we get older (particularly menopause age).

Chronic stress is constantly  wearing down your body. I felt a huge shift in my stress levels after moving to Chicago and I didn't really know why. Yes, I am in grad school, but I had just finished a long stretch where I was moving, planning a wedding, applying to grad-school, running a student council, starting a dance team, and working while training for a 1/2 marathon. It seemed to me that the number of stressors in my life had decreased, yet my anxiety and in-ability to deal with the stress completely increased-- it was a really rough time and my husband was really worried about my lack of coping techniques, I knew something had to change.

In New Orleans I had formed habits that I hadn't realized helped me deal with all the stress, when we moved to Chicago I unconsciously abandoned those habits and now I am more aware of how to deal with stress via my training this summer and working with a therapist last semester, I realized the importance of those habits and am currently working on re-incorporating them into my life.

Dealing with and reducing stress in a healthy way-
Working out- I really believe that my running during that last crazy year in New Orleans helped me get through all the changes and obligations. Once Chicago winter hit my running took a massive nose dive and so did my overall cardio workouts. As soon as I started running again I felt better. Get a trainer, go to a cardio class, go for a short run-- getting the heart rate up and releasing endorphins (insert Legally Blonde quote) is so important to your body physiologically dealing with the stress. Even if sometimes making the time to workout is stressful just suck it up and go for a 20 minute run--you will never regret it afterwards.

Routines- one thing I learned through Ayurvedic lessons at my training this summer is that by doing things at the same time each day / week allows your nervous system to relax. When I lived in NOLA I worked at a school where I woke up at the same time each day, ate the same thing for breakfast each day, went to work and had a schedule, and had a set T/TH apt. at the gym, and a set time Saturday morning for cleaning and running errands. My grad school schedule does not allow for such consistency, but I do try to wake up / eat at similar times. Likewise, I have a calendar with a cleaning schedule on it, however I am still trying to figure out my workout schedule.

*** This may seem redundant and boring, but trust me, as a person who thrives on spontaneity and suffers from ruts and funks from too much routine this basic daily skeleton is what holds me up so that I can have that spontaneity.

De-Clutter and Organize- One of the worst feelings I get  is when I am overwhelmed by school, so I ignore housework,  then as I am trying to do the schoolwork I all the clutter and mess closing in on me.
Solution: I now have a cleaning calendar, it will take about 10 minutes at most each day to do the chore on the list. I did extensive research on how to keep a house clean--I am not a naturally neat person so this is hard and I needed all the advice I could get.

So far the house has stayed clean and I did not have to spend my entire Friday undoing the mess I made M-TH. It is getting in the habit of doing the little things along the way and cleaning as I go.

Organizing is so important. I am one of those people who look unorganized to others but I tend to know where things are, that is until I get stressed then FORGET ABOUT IT! I will lose my keys and phone about 5 times a day, which then stresses me out more and usually results in tears. I don't want to add to the stress I already have- I spent days this summer organizing and de-cluttering the office and closets so that when I look for something I know where it is and can find it.

I am still working on getting rid of stuff, but honestly getting rid of a bag of clothes or things you don't need feels so good, you feel lighter.

Get rid of things you don't use- we did not need 15 blankets. Clothes you don't wear, get rid of them

Friends- Moving is hard and making new friends when you aren't living in a dorm or starting a new job is hard. I really missed my friendly get-togethers and the social style of living in New Orleans. Lately I have been skyping friends from New Orleans, and no it's not the same but it feels so much better than not skyping them. I continue to put myself out there and in situations to meet new people.

New Habits that I am trying to implement:
 Meditating- this is key! Every place that offers advice for reducing stress encourages meditation, I am working this into my new routine. For me a great yoga class is right up there with mediation.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Five things I am grateful for this week

Five things I am grateful for this week

1. Candles- I have been lighting my candles more now that it is dark outside by what seems like noon. I love using candles to set the mood of a personal practice, meditation, or a bath. Fire is so cool :).

2. Girl scouts- This past Friday I was taught yoga at Family Fitness Night, a project for my cousin's girl scout troop. Besides the amazing cookies that my husband asks about all year long, "When are girl scout cookies?"- as if it's a holiday, as a brownie I attended summer camp, sock hops,  and partook in many projects. I really appreciate all the memories and opportunities that organization provided.

3. A washer and dryer- I don't think we are thankful enough for these first world luxuries, period. I know I complain about not having washer-in-unit, however, I should just be thankful that I have access to one- the a large number of the women in the world do not. I am super thankful that my mama lets us come out and use hers. If you have one in unit, take a hot moment and appreciate it! 

4. My food processor- it is used to make so many delicious things, and I use it all the time. If I had to grab one kitchen appliance in a fire, this would be it.

5. Yoga blocks- Post training, I have become a prop junkie. They just make it all feel soo good. I did  a great home practice Thursday and the block made it that much better. Not to mention Natural Fitness, shown above, is an earth friendly, Chicago based company.
Five things I am grateful for this week by cloch1 featuring white home decor

Sunday, November 3, 2013

My expierence assisting yoga for people with special needs

I wanted to write a little bit about my experience this past Monday because I think it is important to reflect on these kinds of experiences.

God's special children, as we have referred to them in my family, or people of special needs, have always had a special place in my heart and a strong presence in my life. I have grown up with family members who have a wide variety of needs; and as a teacher I have encountered students in my classes and homeroom. I truly admire their enthusiasm for life and the intense love that they offer, and this past Monday was no exception. I observed some of the most beautiful yogi's while assisting Gabriel Halpurn in a class for Sertoma Centre students.

Sertoma Centre students range on the scale of mobility and verbal skills; and this yoga class was designed to help them stretch since most of their days are spent seated. Each SC student was placed with one or two assistants. When we first arrived we set up a plethora of props- sandbags, eye pillows, straps, eventually moving to this mummy looking rack deal and chairs. One Monday a month Iyengar trained yoga teacher, Gabriel Halpern, leads this class instructing us where and how to use the props, how to help stretch the student, and interjects his cheesy yet perfect zinger jokes.

 I loved how we used the props:
Sandbags on the palms to help open their shoulders
Bolsters under the knees to help ground the sacrum
Chairs for them to sit on so that they could do Utitta Parsvokonasana and Trikonasana
Strap to pull their foot in.

I want to take a minute to brag on my student-- I am not even sure she really needed me, she always new what was coming next, the proper alignment, and then bam she hit the pose with precision, flexibility, and mindfulness. She regularly comes to this class and even admitted to me that she practices at home. She was giggly, happy, and loved to tickle us as we held her in position.

We helped them get further into poses and aided them in helping themselves as well. We opened hips, worked abs, stretched hamstrings and hip flexors, lengthen side body, did back bends, and then they got a face massage and a super juicy supported svasana.

I am hoping to assist in this class once a month because I think there is so much to learn from these students and so much love in that room. It makes one remember that yoga isn't about being the most flexible or the best but about honoring your own body and using yoga to serve your body, mind, and being.

Friday (Sunday): Five little things I was grateful for this past week

Friday (Sunday): Five little things I was grateful for this past week

This past weekend was busy- and I am thankful for that in and of itself. I was able to hangout with some amazing people, teach a great yoga class full of friends and new students, and celebrate the 30th birthday of one of my dear friends, but I did run out of time to post this--so it is a little late.

1. Fall leaves- although here in Chicago the weather is insanely inconsistent the beautiful fall leaves help to deal with the late 80' weather followed immediately by snow flurries the next week. When the sky is blue and sunny the red, gold, and orange leaves are so beautiful and the gradient of the trees themselves is worth stopping to appreciate.

2. The National Museum of Mexican Art- Chicago has great museums and for an extra credit opportunity our 101 students were able to attend the Día de los Muertos community night at this museum. Fellow graduate students and myself attending taking full advantage of the crafts, photo booth, snacks, and enjoying the colorful artwork of Mexican artists--- not to mention we had an amazing dinner following. How can you go to Pilsen and not get Mexican food. I am so grateful for the culture and museums Chicago has.

3. Hunter Boots- see point 1--rain, cold, snow etc. these things make it easier for me to galavant all over the city and stay dry.

4. Shutter Fly Photo Books- Theses are great gifts and they always are offering coupons. For my friends 30th, her husband created a book that all family and friends could log onto and edit--I dug up some winners of awkward middle school years and really enjoyed going through the old pictures. I think we all enjoyed her gift as much as she did.

5. Alternate Nostril Breathing-- so thankful I have this tool to use. For some reason in my class Wednesday night I just felt a wave of anxiety and a shortness of breath, hoping my classmates wouldn't notice too much ( I mean we were all really watching the Filipino hip hop group getting down outside the windows of our classroom), I subtly started using this breath to calm myself down. After a few rounds I began to feel better.

I am super thankful for my friends that attending my class Saturday morning--hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!!

Friday (Sunday): Five little things I was grateful for this past week by cloch1 featuring fall home decor