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Monday, October 14, 2013

5 things to help you fall asleep and sleep deeper

5 things to help you fall asleep and sleep deeper

I have always had the great talent of being able to fall asleep almost anywhere. I was always the first one asleep at sleep overs and I rarely make it through a movie that starts after 7 pm-- always have been this way and probably always will. Staying asleep or going back to sleep is a whole other ball game- once I am up, I'm up.

Over the last year or two I have found myself waking up in the middle of the night with a racing heart and not being able to slow my mind down enough to fall back asleep. At some point last year, grad schools started to affect my ability to fall asleep- NOT OKAY WITH ME!

These five things help me fall asleep-- and I truly believe help me sleep deeper. I use one or multiple combinations of these tools every night depending on time available and my resting heart rate.

1. Lavender Oil- I rub a few drops of lavender oil on my feet (then rub my hands on my sheets and or temples). The lavender oil helps to calm the nervous system (aromatherapy) and it is believed that if you rub essential oils on the soles of your feet they will get carried throughout the body to where they are most needed. Plus your sheets smell amazing.

2. Bath- I love a good, long, hot bath. I will add some epsom salts and essential oils depending on what time of year it is or how I'm feeling. Bubbles are always beautiful and luxurious as well. To me there is something calming about the water and not doing anything else. Light a candle- it's all about a calming, soothing environment.

3. Meditation- The whole point is to calm the mind and to release tension. It is recommended to shut down all electronics and screen interaction about a half hour before trying to fall asleep in order to begin quieting the mind. Meditation is a great way to spend that time- start with just ten minutes.

4. Chamomile steamer (or other variation)- Any sleepy-time or chamomile tea will do. Steam a glass of milk or even just heat it up in the microwave, steep tea bag in the hot milk, add a small bit of honey and enjoy (maybe in the tub).

5.  Breathing-  no you don't need a mask but I liked the visual. A good calming breath that I use to fall asleep begins with a regular inhale and then I slowly work to extend my exhale so that eventually it is twice as long as the inhale. It is recommended to do this through your nose but I am an open mouth sleeper so I do this with my mouth instead of nose. The focus on your breath helps to calm the mind and the extended exhale is soothing to the body. I use this one every night at some point- especially if I wake up in the middle of the night.

Hope this helps some of you find some deeper quality sleep or find sleep a little sooner.

Good Night


5 things to help you fall asleep and sleep deeper by cloch1 featuring tea cups

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