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Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday Five: five little things I am grateful for

Friday Five: five little things I am grateful for

1.  Gaia Adrenal Health: A friend introduced me to this herbal supplement last semester when the going got tough. The adrenal glands are involved in the release of stress hormones (cortisol), adrenal health helps the body regulate the release of these hormones.

2. Whole Foods Trail Mix Bar: I feel like a lot of trail mixes are either missing one key ingredient or have chocolate chips in it, I love the create your own at WF because I can make up fun combinations. My newest one was called Asian Invasion Kick in Yo Mouth. It had wasabi peas, seseme sticks, coconut, dried cherries, and tamari coated seeds. The lesson I learned is that shredded coconut is not ideal for trail mix it falls everywhere and is the only thing left in the bag at the end. Coconut flakes would be more ideal.

3. Dry Shampoo: This past week the door to our apt. ate part of my finger making using my right hand difficult. Washing my hair has been a pain and I have really appreciated my dry shampoo.

4. Bath Tub: What a better way to unwind, I am grateful for my white tub but would be super grateful if my tub looked like the one above, it's like a tub hammock.

5. Library: I am thankful that Chicago and Loyola have a great library and I can save oodles of money on school books as well as can read up on sustainability and design for free.

Friday Five: five little things I am grateful for by cloch1 featuring a dry shampoo

Klorane dry shampoo

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